Our Resume

MASS HAUNTINGS EPISODE: This unsuspecting home is where the murders of Andrew and Abby Borden took place. This location is rich in history and true to it's past. We've capture some of our most intriguing evidence in this home. The episode is available on YouTube

Conquered by the British during the revolutionary war, this fort has some very dark history. Death and suffering paint these walls. Truly surreal to walk the grounds that helped shape our nation.

This picture says it all... it's the infamous "Conjuring House". While this isn't the house from the movie, it inspired all the events. All we can say is, there is *something* in this house...

MASS HAUNTINGS EPISODE: This unsuspecting home is where the murders of Andrew and Abby Borden took place. This location is rich in history and true to it's past. We've capture some of our most intriguing evidence in this home. The episode is available on YouTube